Achtsamkeitsmeditation gegen Depressionen

Quelle: Lancet:

Kommentar von Dr Linda Charvoz Psychologin - Psychotherapeutin, Lausanne, zuständig

für das  Stress Management Programm der Schweizerischen Sarkoidose - Vereinigung (SSARV-AScS)

We must stress that depression must absolutely be treated by a doctor.
If a person has had one depression crisis, he or she has 50 to 60% risk of relapse.
If a person has experienced 2 periods of depression, the risk of a third crisis reaches 70% and so on...
The rate of risk increases with the number of depression crises already suffered.
Speaking about depression, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)  is mostly used to decrease the relapse rate.
This method is mostly recommended for people who already have recovered from depression.
However, all the methods used to prevent relapse (medical treatment and control) are strictly to be continued.